Did you have great new years resolutions to lose weight, diet and even to do some exercise? Then, from the middle of January already, these resolutions (and the good intentions) were maybe forgotten or added (parked)? Or added to the ever growing list of things which we really really have to do, sometime?
Unfortunately your body has not forgotten the rich, sweet, fried and doughy foods you over enjoyed the past festive season.
And now those extra pounds simply have to go! You really have to do something, but you are too busy right now and you have a million other things that are also important. So, what can you do that will not impact our time that much?
Cut out sugar, starch and processed foods for a few weeks (Also reduce the amount of fruit, a single banana could have as much calories as 250ml of Coca Cola, or more!)
Reduce food portions and drink two glasses of water 30 minutes before large meals
We all know by now that physical inactivity is responsible (linked to) for disease and early death. We also know that the local gym, during the first two weeks of January, looks like the popular beaches between Xmas and New year. Gym membership sales hit an all time high during the first two weeks of January and by late February the numbers of gym visitors declines to regular levels.
We all know that the benefits of regular exercise reduces the risks of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer. Exercise also helps reduce (and balance) levels of stress, depression and anxiety.
We also know that we need about two or three hours of moderate exercise per week, as a bare minimum. Many people do half of their weekly exercise in one day of the week and that is perfectly fine (according to the World Health Organization (WHO) )
So, what can you do to reduce the time you spend on exercise?
Instead of walking, gardening, cleaning the house (moderate exercise of which you need three hours per week) you can raise the metabolic equivalent type of exercise. Vigorous aerobic exercise reduces the amount of time you need to spend on exercise per week. Rowing and swimming, for example, reduces the minimum amount of time you need to spend on exercise by as much as two thirds. (If you row at 10 Kilometres per hour for 50 minutes this is around the equivalent of walking for almost three hours)
Of course running up a set of stairs for 15 minutes is roughly the metabolic equivalent of walking for an hour.
There is a lot that you can do to reduce the amount of time spent on exercise and there is also a lot of different activities that you can do to meet the required and recommended (WHO) minimum level of activity.
Remember to avoid high calorie sports drinks and other sugary drinks!
All information provided for information & education purposes only. Nothing published on https://dietmy.com is intended as substitution for medical advice, diagnosis, or for any treatment.