If you follow these Top Five Tips you, and your diet, could easily survive the festive season!
Tip One: Be prepared
Write it down: When does the festive season start and exactly when does it end.
People that keep the festive season going after it has ended tend to gain serious weight during and long after the holiday has ended. They learn new habits and keep those habits going. If you have a start date and you also know exactly when the season or holidays end, your mental state is prepared and you are less likely to imprint on new habits.
Write it down: What are your personal survival plans?
- Have plans for before as well as after.
- Focus on also eating more fiber (fresh veggies and fruits) during the entire season.
- Simply switch off digitally – Just switch off your phone. It is liberating, freedom, breathe and forget about electronic devices, Talk to real people, face to face and feel the wind in your hair!
- Switch up your routine! – Just do things in different order, just for kicks!
- Know in advance which days are going to be excessive and know which days can be used to ‘recover’, you can also have some low calorie days before a crazy week starts!
Tip Two: Mental state of mind
Forget about Guilt, Negativity and All other Negative Emotions.
Focus only on the positive, family, friends love, enjoy your food as a shared experience of joy and pleasure.
Avoid anxiety, feeling depressed. Use your breathing if you catch yourself worrying. The whole idea is not to stress about your diet or your weight, you are prepared after all.
Fun Fact: Did you know that you have to eat a whopping 8000 Calories to gain one kilogram? (2 Litres of Coca-Cola is around 800 Calories)
Tip Three: Use water
Water is extremely important. Not only for your state of hydration but as a diet tool.
On your recovery days, be sure to focus on drinking lots and lots of water.
Tip Four: Increase your levels of Activity
Be more active! perfect time to do some additional physical activity to coincide with the additional calorie load. Visit markets, walk the dog more frequently, explore on foot!
Fun Fact: One glass of white wine can take only a mile of walking to burn off. If you walk an additional mile you burn off twice the load!
Tip Five: Support yourself!
You can support yourself by simply believing in yourself. You have a plan, you are prepared and ready. You know exactly how many days of complete and total diet chaos you are going to experience. You have prepared so, now you could afford to:
Enjoy food, enjoy life.
Relax, you have a plan, it is all good and all is well in the world!
Relax: Get some sunshine! – Vitamin D is good, but do not overdo it, (Skin cancer is very real, do not burn, use quality suntan lotion!)
Relax: Sleep in, some extra sleep is always good for you!
Bottom line is: Slow down over the holidays, relax and enjoy life.
All information provided for information & education purposes only. Nothing published on https://dietmy.com is intended as substitution for medical advice, diagnosis, or for any treatment.