Trending Weight Loss Tips

People regularly ask me how they can lose weight quickly. Some also want to lose those last few kilos others would love to drop a dress size for a special occasion. Whatever your own goals are, here is a easy to understand basic and quick to read list of the trending weight loss tips for right now:

Eating Habits

Eat more than half of your calories before lunchtime

Do not eat anything 4 hours before bedtime

Reduce portion sizes (Eat Less – but not too little – avoid starvation mode)

Lifestyle habits

Sleep eight (8) hours

Reduce Stress

Diet Habits

Cut out all Sugar and Processed foods.

Cut down on all starchy foods and fat.

Build diversity of gut bacteria (look after your gut bacteria – feed them)


Be at least moderately active for a few hours per week (Water the garden, walk the dog)

Do 2 minutes of HIT per week (120 seconds of 100% flat out aerobic exercise)


More reading: this website has articles on each of the above, so the power is in your hands!



Always consult your medical doctor prior to starting any diet. To Lose Weight you have to consume fewer calories than your body burns.

All information provided for information & education purposes only. Nothing published on is intended as substitution for medical advice, diagnosis, or for any treatment.