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reset weight loss secret

The Reset Secret for effective weight loss

reset weight loss secret
reset weight loss secret

It is no secret that, to lose weight, we have to consume fewer calories than we burn. But how do we effectively implement such a plan into our daily lives?

There is an important secret method of doing exactly that. It is all in the way that you see yourself achieving the goal of lowering your calory consumption.

If you change the way you perceive your weight loss goal, you can make it so much easier to survive the ocasions when your diet (and lifestyle) takes a beating from snacking, emorional eating, craving binges and other real life threats to the reduction of your waist line.

Accept that life is not perfect, people are not perfect and all days are not all the same.

The first important concept is that you need to be honest with yourself. Completely honest. When you eat that chocolate doughnut, second helping of caramel cake or whole bag of chips – Do not lie to yourself, admit what you are doing and what you have done. There is no shame, no guilt, just the truth of it.

New Habits
The second concept is that we need to learn new habits. Replace your old habits with brand new habits that assist our weight loss goals.
For example: Whenever you feel cravings for foods that are going to cause the collap[se of your diet, rather have a glass of water. Then, wait 20 minutes and if the craving is still there then satisfy it by trying to have a much smaller portion. You need to learn new eating habits, you need to eat less and possibly even eat differently…

The third concept is the reset concept itself: Set your goals on a daily basis.
Even though your diet, lifestyle change or other plan is divided into days or weeks, break it down, accept that each day is a new day and that each day is different.
Each day we are going to try to stick to lowering our calories, eating smaller portions.
Each day we are going to attempt to diet and to eat less than we are burning on that day.

Try to select a lifestyle type diet that matches your lifestyle, what you like to eat and who you are. Do not try diets that is impossible or very hard for you to sustain, they will not work on the long term anyway and you will just be right back to square one.

Diets are guidelines and not written in stone, if you break your diet it does not matter much and you should not feel depressed (and eat even more) as tomorrow is another day, the sun will shine and life will go on.

Each day is a new day, each day is a RESET. Forget about how well you did yesterday, it means nothing. Forget how you smashed your diet by eating too much of this or that.

Tell yourself each day: Today is the day that I am going to eat less than I am going to burn. Today will be better and today I am going to make it.

Avoid getting stressed when you over eat, accept that you are a weak human being, accept that you are not perfect and accept that you will try again tomorrow. This does not mean that you are just going to simply give up, it means that you really have to try harder tomorrow to stick to reducing your calorie load. Have 1/2 slice of toast instead of one or two slices, have Coke Zero instead of Coke and make the changes that is required in order for you to eat less, smaller portions and fewer calories.


Always consult your medical doctor prior to starting any diet. To Lose Weight you have to consume fewer calories than your body burns.

All information provided for information & education purposes only. Nothing published on is intended as substitution for medical advice, diagnosis, or for any treatment.