Changing your lifestyle to include biotic elements could have major health, weight and even emotional well being as a result.
Physicians, researchers and scientists are publishing articles linking all sorts of common disorders, like depression, to the gut biome.
To adapt your lifestyle diet to include regular loads of both mega biotic elements is not that difficult.
It starts with a clear understanding that shop bought fermented products may actually not contain any biotic elements as more often than not, shop bought items are pasteurized.
Pasteurization kills all bacteria, the good and the bad.
Supermarket products protect clients from bad bacteria by pasteurization and by adding preservatives and chemicals to prevent the growth of biotics, to extend shelf life and ofr many other reasons.
The two main “mega” biotics (healthy bacteria) are Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus
They occur naturally and in various combinations in these foods:
- Live cultured yogurt, handmade or organic
- Kefir
- Sauerkraut
- Miso
- Pickles and pickled vegetables
- Soft fermented cheeses (Cheddar, Swiss, Parmesan, Gouda, Blue, Camebert, Feta)
- Naturally fermented Apple juice (Cider)
- Naturally pickled fish
- Fermented soy (sauce)
- Kombucha
- Olives (preserved)
- Salami, Biltong
- Fish Sauce (made from fermented raw fish)
The foods above only contain biotics if live cultured, no preservatives, non pasteurized. (Not cooked and probably not store bought)
The biotics in these types of foods are pro biotic, which means “for life” and are alive (live organisms).
** Be aware of the sodium content in pickled foods! Pickled foods should not be a major component of your diet, but rather a small, but regular, side dish. **
Be aware that most store bought fermented products are not biotic. Most commercial pickles are processed in ways that does not include fermentation and contain no biotic or live organisms.
The same applies to yogurts and any and all other store bought fermented products: They may not contain any live bacteria. Zero pro biotics.
To get you started on making your own pro biotic food at home:
Ingredients: Cabbage Fresh Clean water and salt.
- Weigh your cabbage and calculate your salt (1 Table spoon (about 15g) of salt for every 500 grams of vegetables)
- Slice cabbage in thin reams
- Boil water and rinse preservative bottle / jam jar
- Add raw thinly sliced cabbage to bottle
- Leave about 2cm of space at the top and pour clean cold water to the top of the bottle
- All the cabbage must be under water at all times (place clean small saucer/weight on top of cabbage)
- Cover with clean cloth
- Leave to ferment for three weeks
- Check colour and smell before eating (must not be rotten)
It is okay for the water to ‘boil over’ as long as the cabbage is always covered. You can remove any white scum or mould floating on top of the water
You can apply the same principle to any vegetables, so start fermenting your own pro biotics today!

All information provided for information & education purposes only. Nothing published on is intended as substitution for medical advice, diagnosis, or for any treatment.