What is Dysbiosis?
Dysbiosis is the microbial imbalance of your gut microbiome. Some symproms are: Feeling anxious, depressed, or tired. Memory issues or light brain fog. Feeling tired, run down. Feeling negative or just feeling uncomfortable.
If you eat an average modern day diet the chances are that you suffer from some level of Dysbiosys.
Over the past 50 years there has been a dramatic rise in the levels of obesity, type 2 diabetes, inflammatory bowel diseases, food allergies and many other health issues. Some of these are directly linked to the changing microbial landscape [Reference]
In animals, research has suggested that deviations of gut microbiome indicates a variety of diseases previously thought to be only linked to DNA. [Reference] The same research indicates that your mood, state of mind and thoughts are alll shaped by your gut bacteria. (“bacteria able to shape complex social, emotional, and anxiety-like behaviors“)
Increased risks of imbalanced gut microbiome:
- diets high in processed foods
- diets high in sugar
- meat and dairy products full of hormones
- antibiotics
- antacids and medications
- chronic stress
- polution (and smoking)
Examples of foods that improve gut health:
- Cocoa and dark chocolate
- Red wine
- Grape skins
- Green tea
- Almonds
- Onions
- Blueberries
- Broccoli
More detailed list of dysbiosis friendly foods:
- General fruits, vegetables, and grains [Reference], [Reference]
- All Animal Livers, Sweet potatoes, Cheese & Butter (retinoic acid) [Reference]
- Apples [Reference]
- Pomegranate [Reference]
- Berries: Blueberries [Reference] , Blackcurrant [Reference] , Dark Raspberries [Reference]
- Nuts [Reference], [Reference], [Reference], [Reference]
- Yogurt [Reference], [Reference], [Reference], [Reference]
- Fermented milk (kefir) [Reference], [Reference], [Reference]
- Kimchi [Reference]
- Red wine [Reference], [Reference]
- Cocoa [Reference], [Reference]
- Coffee [Reference]
- Oatmeal [Reference]
- Mushrooms [Reference]
- Soy and fermented soy [Reference], [Reference]
- Rice bran [Reference]
- Olive oil & Herbs (like thyme) [Reference]
- Chillies (capsaicin – very beneficial for paleo and atkins (protein & fats) diets) [Reference], [Reference]
Other things that you can do to improve gut heatlh:
- Dirt is good!
- Stop using hand sanitiser.
- Eat more “wild” foods (raw herbs, greens, nuts, and berries)
- Stop overly cleaning your home (clinically clean homes are bad)
- Stop using very strong cleaning acids, too much bleach (Sodium hypochlorite) & others
- Double check that your yogurt or fermented foods actually contain live bacteria (read food labels)

All information provided for information & education purposes only. Nothing published on https://dietmy.com is intended as substitution for medical advice, diagnosis, or for any treatment.