You are already fasting each day but how much time are you spending on your fast?
Are you fasting long enough?
Are you fasting too long?
How long should you be fasting?
The FASTsystem includes Fasting in all four aspects (Food, Action,Sleep and Time)
The good news is that you already fast, each day: When you are sleeping you are also not eating and therefore fasting by default.
The bad news is that the average person does not fast for a long enough period of time.
Your daily fasting hours cannot be broken up into portions as that would not be fasting. Fasting, by definition is an ongoing period of time that you do not eat. Therefore you need to add to your existing fasting hours (sleep hours) either at the beginning of sleep or at the end of sleep.
TIP: You can teach yourself a fasting habit of not eating for three to four hours before going to sleep (+3 – +4)
TIP: You can teach yourself a fasting habit of not eating for three to four hours after waking up (+3 +4)
During your fasting periods you can drink as much as you like of:
- Water
- Tea (No milk, sugar, sweeteners or lemon – Just water and teabag)
- Black coffee (No milk, sugar, sweetners – Just water and coffee)
Recently there has been a lot of hype around fasting. There has been many claims (and testimonials) that period fast (where you do not consume any calories or extreme calorie restriction) can cure all sorts of inflammation, diabetes, cancer and all sorts of medical ailments. Whether period fasting triggers healing processes in your body and actually results in health benefits still requires additional trials, research and study. But, actual daily fasting is something that all human people already do, in a more or less way.
The amount of time you spend on your daily fasting generally depends on how many hours you sleep. If you also follow and created a habit that precludes you from eating anything three or four hours prior going to bed, then those hours also count as fasting hours. if you also do not eat anything caloric within the first three or four hours after waking, then those hours can also be added to your fasting hours.
For example: If you sleep for eight hours (8) and you do not eat anything three hours before going to bed (3) and for the first three hours after waking up (3), you do not eat anything caloric then you have 14 hours of fasting in each 24 hour day. a Healthy daily fasting target depends on your own body situation, but is usually anything between 12 and 16 hours per day.
Are you fasting long enough?
Read more about the FASTsystem

All information provided for information & education purposes only. Nothing published on is intended as substitution for medical advice, diagnosis, or for any treatment.