The newly discovered “fat gene” is called Rap1 and is present in many tissues, including brain tissue where it is also involved in memory and learning. [1]
The discovery involved clinical trials using mice and is notable as it proves that disabling the Rap1 gene reverses Leptin resistance. [1] [2]
Process: Development of obesity was triggered by feeding mice a high fat diet.
Scientists deleted the fat gene from the hypothalamus (section of the brain that regulates the metabolism) and found that a diet high in fat did not affect body weight in the test group. The mice in the control group did not have their fat gene deleted and remained obese. [1] [2]
This discovery opens up research into developing new obesity treatments which will resist Leptin resistance.[1] [2]
The scientists were from Baylor College, National Institute of Health and the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute

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