At the recent American Diabetes Association Scientific Session, researchers from seven Universities presented data that established that specific diet weight loss efficacy is directly linked to average individual blood sugar levels. [1]
If you want to lose weight and maintain that weight loss you need to follow the diet best suited to your own average blood sugar levels.
The data indicates that the correct dietary changes, related to your own average blood sugar levels, could result in seven times greater (than average) weight loss.
What was also surprising is that dietary calorie restriction is not effective for individuals that are pre diabetic.
Different people require different diets to effectively lose weight and maintain stable body weight.

High Blood sugar / Pre Diabetic
Individuals with blood sugar levels that are pre diabetic , require a high fiber diet without calorie restriction. This group should adjust levels of carbohydrates or fats based on fasting insulin levelsĀ to lose weight most effectively.
Individuals with type 2 diabetes requires a diet with higher levels of plant based fats. [2]
Normal blood sugar levels
People that have normal average blood sugar and fasting insulin levels can follow a healthy balanced diet and make adjustments to their diet based on their own blood sugar level.

All information provided for information & education purposes only. Nothing published on is intended as substitution for medical advice, diagnosis, or for any treatment.